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Mother-Daughter Radio Show

This week, my mom (/co-author) and I spoke about our book Just As You Are with my longtime friend Carolyn Twersky and her mom Laura. Listen to the radio show here!

We discussed issues like peer pressure and friend group drama, and also how Carrie didn’t think I was “sexy enough” to be in her talent show act at camp when we were in the sixth grade.

Spoiler: I eventually was allowed to participate thanks to our more compassionate friend Billie. Check out the photos below (Billie & I are matching–she’s in the orange cast–and Carrie’s center stage…who’s surprised?!) 

Side note: Carolyn writes for! Check out her articles here.


Does Social Media Feed Your Feelings of Unworthiness?

by Kelly Skeen and Michelle Skeen, PsyD

How many times have you looked at your phone today? 10? 20? 30? 40? If you’re an average tween or teen you’ve looked at your phone 46 times. And, you’ve spent a third of your day using media—Instagram, Facebook, online videos, and music. Maybe you do it without thinking.

Have you ever thought about how all of these images are impacting your beliefs about yourself and others? It’s likely that, knowingly or unknowingly, you are comparing yourself to the images you see on your feeds every day. All of us struggle with some aspect of ourselves. This feeling is reinforced and likely made worse by social media and the constant and ever-changing messages you receive about what you need to do, to look like, and to act like in order to be accepted. It can leave you feeling like you need to hide parts of yourself that aren’t perfect and/or don’t fit within the norm. This by itself feels like a setup for failure.

As you might imagine, your beliefs about yourself are a mixed bag. You probably hold some beliefs about yourself that are positive. Maybe you make friends easily, you have great hair, you are close with your siblings, you excel academically, you’re good at sports, and so on. But you also likely have beliefs about yourself that are negative. In fact, this might mean that you are hiding parts of yourself because you fear being judged, not accepted, or both. You may feel that you are outside of the norm in some way. There might even be aspects of your identity that you have no control over or you don’t like—such as your ethnicity, religion, family, culture, height, eye color, body type…you get the point.

Of course, there is even more of your life that is out of your control, because you have parental figures who control parts of your life that you have little or no say about—where you live, what school you attend, activities you are or are not allowed to participate in, who you can be friends with, who you can date—the list goes on. There’s a good chance that you feel inadequate, flawed, or not good enough as a result of some of these factors.

Every teenager (even the ones that seem perfect!) struggles with feelings of inadequacy, defectiveness, and unworthiness. This impacts your feelings of self-worth, which might be holding you back or getting in the way of satisfying peer interactions and acceptance. Like most people, you care what other people think of you, and you probably spend at least some time comparing yourself to your peers. Social media feeds our natural tendency to compare how we measure up to others. This can result in feeling that you are flawed—not as perfect as other people might seem. When these feelings get repeatedly reinforced over time, it can lead to shame, depression, anxiety, and isolation.

We are all wired to connect with others, and when we do make healthy connections, we thrive. So it makes sense that we would want to be accepted by others, and we would fear being found not good enough and rejected. In fact, you may go to great lengths to avoid judgment or rejection from others. This might include seeking affirmation from others, being unable or unwilling to make decisions without approval from others, or having difficulty hearing even mild criticism.

You may find it difficult to accept and share parts of yourself that are out of your control, or you may feel like you need to be a certain way to be liked and accepted by others. Or you may focus more of your energy on others to distract them from the ways in which you feel insufficient. You may already be thinking about the parts of yourself that make you feel less than, or that you hide from others because you fear the response you might receive. And you might even be aware of the ways this holds you back from realizing your full potential or building the relationships that you long for.

The truth is that you don’t have to keep hiding from others or comparing yourself to others. You are beautiful and perfect just as you are.

Lifelong struggles with feelings of unworthiness and inferiority begin with beliefs formed when we’re teenagers. Just As You Are empowers teens to identify and eliminate these beliefs now, before they take root and cause problems like depression, addiction, and failed relationships in adulthood.


Release of Just As You Are!

Just As You Are cover


In this fun, practical guide, teens learn how to silence their nit-picky inner critic, cultivate self-compassion, and discover what really matters to them.

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“This book provides effective tools for combatting feelings of inadequacy, unworthiness, and low self-esteem that are so common among teens. Readers will learn strategies for self-acceptance, changing negative thinking patterns, and communicating effectively. The book is clear, easy to read, and filled with practical exercises. Highly recommended!”
Martin M. Antony, PhD, ABPP, professor of psychology at Ryerson University in Toronto, ON, Canada, and coauthor of The Shyness and Social Anxiety Workbook and The Anti-Anxiety Workbook

Just As You Are helps young people examine their negative self-stories from a place of compassion and value. The personal stories and exercises will resonate with a broad range of readers. Such a helpful book.”
—Ben Sedley, PhD, clinical psychologist and author of Stuff That Sucks

“We all struggle with parts of ourselves and feel at some level not okay. But this common need to appear like you have it all together, is not only exhausting and disconfirming, it’s lonely as well. As you read others’ stories of this same struggle, work through exercises, and challenge your inner critic, you learn to accept yourself Just As You Are with the same care and warmth that you would your best friend.”
—Janetti Marotta, PhD, author of 50 Mindful Steps to Self-Esteem

“So many young people struggle with feeling ‘not good enough,’ or believing that something is fundamentally wrong with them. Just As You Are is a step-by-step guide to undo those negative core beliefs. Michelle and Kelly Skeen offer tools for understanding yourself, identifying strengths, and changing unhealthy habits. They teach mindfulness and self-compassion in down-to-earth language that will appeal to everyone, even those who are skeptical of self-help books.”
—Ann Marie Dobosz, MA, MFT, author of The Perfectionism Workbook for Teens

“Michelle and Kelly Skeen have written a powerful tool to help teens navigate the tricky world of self-acceptance. Their words are thought-provoking, genuine, and kind. Teens will relate to the heartfelt stories and learn to embrace and appreciate their authentic self.”
—Julia V. Taylor, PhD, counselor educator at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, VA; author of The Body Image Workbook for Teens; and coauthor of The Bullying Workbook for Teens 

Just As You Are speaks in a caring and thoughtful voice to the many teens who feel uncomfortable in their own skins. Filled with carefully crafted exercises that rest on a foundation of self-acceptance and self-compassion, teens will experience the power that comes with truly being themselves.”
—Michael A. Tompkins, PhD, ABPP, coauthor of The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook for Teens, and codirector of the San Francisco Bay Area Center for Cognitive Therapy

“A beautiful guide to self-acceptance in the face of the relentless inner critic. The feeling that one isn’t good enough, that one is unworthy, is a huge source of pain and paralysis. This book is a game changer, a healing breath of kindness and self-compassion.”  
—Matthew McKay, PhD, coauthor of Self-Esteem

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More About the Book

In Just As You Are, psychologist Michelle Skeen and her daughter, Kelly Skeen, offer teens simple tips to help overcome feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness, stop comparing oneself to others, and be more open and accepting of all aspects of who they are. Teens will also learn how to be more aware of their thoughts and feelings in the moment using powerful mindfulness tools, and build a plan of action for the future based on their values.

Sometimes it’s hard to see yourself with clarity and kindness. With this important guide, teens will learn to move past their faults, celebrate their true strengths, and discover what really matters in their life… Read More
