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Seventeen Article: A 15-Year-Old From Oregon Is Making a Huge Difference in the Black Lives Matter Movement and You Can Too

Below is an article from Seventeen that highlights the work of Kellen, a teen from Oregon who set up a petition that demands justice for the murder of George Floyd.

A 15-Year-Old From Oregon Is Making a Huge Difference in the Black Lives Matter Movement and You Can Too

Her petition, Justice for George Floyd, has over 10 million signatures.


Mother-Daughter Radio Show

This week, my mom (/co-author) and I spoke about our book Just As You Are with my longtime friend Carolyn Twersky and her mom Laura. Listen to the radio show here!

We discussed issues like peer pressure and friend group drama, and also how Carrie didn’t think I was “sexy enough” to be in her talent show act at camp when we were in the sixth grade.

Spoiler: I eventually was allowed to participate thanks to our more compassionate friend Billie. Check out the photos below (Billie & I are matching–she’s in the orange cast–and Carrie’s center stage…who’s surprised?!) 

Side note: Carolyn writes for! Check out her articles here.
